My philosophy

Everything you can imagine can be realized you!

I have spent over 13 years working with people as a manager, lecturer and mentor in many Czech and international companies, and experienced multiple leadership styles as both an employee and as a manager. I witnessed successes and failures over the years and gradually came to the realization that business coaching was the best fit for my personal life and career. After I received my accreditation and official certification, I continued my career of leadership coaching and my role as a business coach.

Based on successful coaching sessions with my employees, family and friends, I gained valuable feedback that allowed me to take my coaching career to the next level. Currently, I provide my service to a Child foster home where young adults[1] begin preparing for their future lives. I also cooperate with companies that support development of their employees and improve the potential of their businesses.

I help my clients set up goals and achieve their dreams. In today's fast-paced world, we often forget that it is important not just to achieve your dreams but also to enjoy and appreciate the path and actions leading towards them. You can easily feel depressed and frustrated if you take all your success for granted and want to see quick results. The good news is that everything can be changed and you can learn how to be positive and successful, as easy as it is to learn anything else :)

© 2019 Dagmar Kaloudová: Professional Mentor & Coach Brno
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